Practice Areas



Our attorneys are proud to count themselves as experts in the field of insolvency law and as such we are capable of providing our clients with comprehensive services relating to all aspects of liquidations and sequestrations. Furthermore, in matters involving insolvent estates we are able to assist clients in maximizing the distribution which they may expect to receive.

Commercial Drafting

We are capable of assisting clients in preparing and reviewing all manner of contracts, whether it be commercial agreements for multi-national entities or corporate individuals.


Business Rescue

Labour Law

We are able to assist our clients with drafting and reviewing of employment contracts, mutual separation agreements and  labour disputes whether before the commission for conciliation, mediation and arbitration (“CCMA”), the labour court or the labour appeal court. 

Business Rescue

Johan Van Greunen is a senior business rescue practitioner with more than 10 years’ experience as such and is a member in good standing with South African Restructuring Insolvency Practitioners Association (“SARIPA”) and is capable of assisting distressed companies with finding and managing effective and efficient turnaround and business rescue solutions. 

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Civil Litigation

We have an experienced team of attorneys who possess a wealth of experience in instituting and defending all manner of civil court actions.

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